Tara Eisenhauer, B.A., M.M.

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Singer’s New Year Resolutions!

Every singer should have these things DOWN! If not, this is the year! What are you waiting for? I’m here to help and have ALL THE TOOLS you need to achieve true artistic freedom. 

New Years Resolutions - 

  1. Have a smoothly connected, blended registration.

    1. From the lowest chest voice note to the highest falsetto/headvoice note, movement of pitch without the listener being able to discern when the voice moved from one register to the other, up or down!

  2. Expand vocal range to 3 octaves!

    1. All voices should have a 2 ½ - 3 octave range MINIMUM.  If not, then there is a vocal fault related to registration that needs to be worked out.

  3. Equal ability of dynamics from softest piano to loudest forte.

    1. This includes Messa di Voce’s, crescendos, decrescendos on every vowel, on every pitch in your ENTIRE range. 

  4. Even tonal color, chiaroscuro (balance of light/dark), and resonance adjustment on all vowels throughout your entire range!

    1. To be able to sing various styles with the required resonance adjustment.

  5. Technique which allows the artist to adequately express the emotional content of the music and text.

    1. True functional freedom leads to the ability to express thought and the emotion of the heart.

    2. The ability to understand the source/cause of EVERY VOCAL FAULT, and the procedure to fix it.

A singer has not mastered their instrument until these things are accomplished.  This is the year!