When Singing Goes Wrong….

Just when you think you are about to reach new heights as a singer, we can have a set back that can knock us flat on our face! Since our voice is so much a part of who we are (in life!), an unfortunate experience vocally can leave us feeling depressed and defeated.

This is what happened to me in 2006. After years of studying voice at prestigious music schools, I was encouraged to obtain techniques that were actually making my technique worse and ruining my voice! I ended up losing my voice, almost completely, going to an ENT, and learning that I had vocal nodules! WWHHAATTT??!!

My years of diligent training as a musician (since age 5), had given me the musical talent and skill to thrive as a musician (and singer), but the technical influences were, in fact, dessimating my sacred instrument. Luckily, I had a friend who heard my struggle and came in to help. They knew the connection, which would introduce to to a long-standing, mentor relationship with the teacher who would not only save my voice, but also take me under his wing to help me learn how to pass on the invaluable techniques to my own students, carrying on a tradition from the Bel Canto techniques of the golden era of singing. (Dr. Joel Ewing.)

So, within weeks, I was on the mend, just in time for my Master’s Recital! Not only was I shocked how quickly my voice healed, (without vocal rest!), but also how much it improved! I learned so much, that I continued with lessons permanently, and stopped going to lessons with the university teacher altogether (boy, were they stunned!)

Through this difficult, challenging, disparaging journey, the lessons I learned were so clearly articulated:

1-There truly IS a CORRECT vocal technique. Not all techniques are the same! Some are WRONG!

2-My voice, my instrument, is sacred, and not invincible. It needs to be protected, revitalized, and entrusted only with those that can PROVE they are worthy.

3-I must spread the word of this vocal technique that is the ultimate gift! But alas, what is right is not always popular, and what is popular is not always right.

So, I encourage you, reader, singer, to be diligent in your vocal pedagogue, teacher, coach search. Ask the questions: WHY, HOW, SHOW ME, etc. Science related to the physiology of the voice must be proven by a good vocal pedagogue, both in their teaching and demonstration.

Until. next time!~ Happy singing!


What is bel canto, anyway?