Tara Eisenhauer, B.A., M.M.

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The heart of the matter…

I want to throw out a concept that should really make us think. “Why do you do music?” As a professional musician and teacher, I’m reminded that we all should take the time to answer this question for ourselves, frequently. Have you asked your students lately why they choose music? Asked your colleagues why they chose music?  Ask yourself?

When we get to the heart of the matter, our justification to be an “instrument” becomes a gentle reminder that there is a greater purpose to our art, extending beyond our own credit, accolades, and pride. The question “Why does music exist?” brings answers that may be of individual fulfillment or satisfaction, or for the purpose of bringing joy, comfort and spiritual connection to others. 

There may be phases of life in which we use music for our own needs, to help us through a trauma or depression or to enhance joy and expression. This is not selfish, but rather a delight in the Divine’s way of entering our souls through creativity and artistry.

There may be times in life where our purpose for being a musician is far beyond ourselves, reaching out to those that are traumatized and heart-broken, giving expression for pain that has no words. Music can link the instrument to the listener and crack open the stone which bears the heart. 

I have a proposition for you: why do you do music TODAY? It’s a fluid thing, music’s purpose, a musician’s life, the study of music. So, bring this question to your table, as you give gratitude for the gift to our souls, which excels beyond comprehension and reason. Allow the balm of harmony engage the heart to heal.

Many blessings to you, musical friend. I’d love to hear why YOU do music. Email me at TaraEisenhauer@gmail.com