Loud! Not noisy….

It seems like the #1 thing that all singers I come across have as a common goal is being able to sing LOUDLY!

What they don’t often understand is that the short cuts that so many singers attempt thinking they will achieve this goal often lead to other vocal issues, wrecking the registration, ruining pitch regulation, blend, and a fluid resonance adjustment, which leads to something more like noise than anything with beauty or longevity.

So how do we obtain volume without sacrificing good technique?

The answer is that we have to train the muscles and resonators to work together very specifically, with their slight variations on every pitch and vowel. Training must happen with the muscle systems of the larynx, (integrating arytenoid activity, with increasing participation as we DEscend the scale). And in the pharynx and sinus cavities, building a platform and resonance adjustment that coincides, or “couples” with the prescribed pitch (height) and vowel (angle).

If this combination is ACHIEVED, then we get the most bang for our buck, which is, essentially, a lot of volume, for the least amount of effort!  (AND…..tension release!)

If this combination is NOT achieved (more like misunderstood), with attempts to gain volume by using more breath pressure, forced forward placement, or “core support,” then we created an environment in which the foundation of good singing is fighting for its life, witnessing the breakdown with symptoms of tension, wobble, flatness, and loss of breath, to name a few.

You will only get the results you want IF you are creating a nurturing environment that creates and enforces the coupling system of registration and resonance working together, unstuck from the forced methods of today marketing themselves as “short cuts.”

Quite frankly, we all know, there is NO SHORTCUT to good singing! We must do the work! If you are led by a teacher that knows this work, you will notice steady, consistent progress, and an absence of negative symptoms.

Happy singing!


From Wobble to Wonderful! Fixing the vibrato speed.